EZactis and LeadFerret have teamed up to help American workers secure good- paying jobs by ensuring they have a clean, accurate pre employment background check - before they ever interview for a job.
The Situation
Most American companies today use pre-employment background checks to determine if a person is suitable for employment. The companies are trying to limit exposure to legal liability by hiring people who will not pose a risk to the company's assets or stakeholders, so they run a background check to discover things like criminal history, work history, education verification and professional licenses or certificates.
The Challenge
Contrary to popular belief, criminal records are filed by name and date of birth - not by social security number. With 315 million people in America, and with widespread use of criminal databases for pre employment background checks, it's quite common that a person applying for a job could be mistaken for someone with the same name and date of birth, who has a criminal rap sheet.
Additionally, with the recent proliferation of identity theft, and even with common data entry errors, it's also possible that a person's pre employment background check may list inaccurate information, which could disqualify them from a new job.
If this happens to you, and you undertake the complex process to prove that you are not the criminal, or the information on your report is not correct, by the time you get everything corrected, the job you were applying for will likely be gone.
The Solution
EZactis & LeadFerret have teamed up to offer American workers an official pre employment background check with the same searches that most employers will use.
Called the Pre Employment Evaluation Kit, or PEEK, this service will help ensure that people are not mistaken for convicted criminals and can help people discover - and clean up - inaccurate entries on their background check.
Once a person's true identity has been established and/or their background check is free from errors, they can give prospective employers access to their PEEK account so the employer can see the background check first hand - ensuring that no questions are raised and no delays are encountered, clearing the way for that great new job.
The PEEK Pre Screen Package is an instant search designed to help determine if there are other people by the same or similar names and dates of birth and if there may be inaccurate information contained on your background check. The scope of searches is limited but this is an effective pre-screening tool.
The Peek Basic Package includes the following searches:
- 50-State Sex Offender Registry Search
- National Criminal Database Record Search
- Federal Crimes Search
- International & Domestic Terrorist Watch List Search
- US Treasury Office of Foreign Asset Control
- Prohibited & Denied Persons Search
- FBI White Collar & Crimes Against Children Search
- FBI Criminal Enterprise Search
- Office of Inspector General Search
- Alcohol Tobacco Firearms Most Wanted Search
- America’s Most Wanted Search
PEEK BRONZE - $70.00 
The PEEK Bronze Package contains all information from the PEEK Pre Screen package, plus the following additional searches. This entire package is what most employers will use when ordering your pre employment background check.
- Social Security Number Trace & Address History Search
- County Criminal Search Based on Address History
- Bankruptcies, Liens & Judgements Search
- Prior Employment Screenings - Last Three Employers
- Education Verification - Highest Degree
PEEK SILVER - $90.00
The PEEK Silver Package contains all information from the PEEK Bronze package, plus a guide with information concerning your legal rights related to your pre employment background check.
PEEK GOLD - $150.00
The PEEK Gold Package contains everything from the PEEK Silver Package plus a consultation with a Background Screening Executive to help interpret the information on your report and assistance cleaning up any bad information.
All PEEK Packages come with a PEEK Certified seal, which can be featured on LinkedIn and other social networks to demonstrate that you now possess an official pre employment background check and will proudly share your clean report with any prospective employers.